I have an immense passion for normalizing mental health and wellness, and reducing the stigma that is often associated. Additionally, I am a huge advocate of encouraging self-compassion and love throughout one's mental health and wellness journey. While participating on my own adventure of personal growth, I became inspired to research, write, and share information with all of you. Life can be hard- please know you are not alone!

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How Often Should I Attend Therapy?
Jody Simpson Jody Simpson

How Often Should I Attend Therapy?

Session attendance is greatly impacted by external factors such as insurance coverage, finances, childcare, work schedules, and stability of environment, which must be considered. As such, I always advise clients that they should decide what works best for them-weekly, monthly, or otherwise.

If you are wondering what the research says- higher session frequency results in quicker recovery (Ereksen et al., 2015). It has also been found that the time between sessions impact treatment outcome MORE than consistency of sessions (Gutner et al., 2016). Overall, faster improvement and recovery is associated with higher session frequency, particularly in the first 3 months of treatment (Schleider et al., 2021).

In closing, rest assured that while attending sessions more frequently has shown higher efficiency, your finances, scheduling, work/home stability, etc... do need to be considered. Life happens, and could impact your initial plans for therapy. Stay in communication with your counsellor and let them know how they can best support you.

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