

SMART Goals Worksheet

Use the SMART acronym when creating goals in order to set yourself up for success.

Remember life happens, and if you are not able to reach a goal as originally planned, be need to be kind to yourself. Talk to yourself as a loving friend would. We can always get back on track, tomorrow, and our mindset can support us through this process


5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise

When experiencing anxiety, your five senses will help you stay anchored to the present. 5-4-3-2-1 activates the "logic" part of the brain, so the "stress" part can get a break.

Remember to use this tool throughout the day when you feel stressed, as well as when you feel calm.


Decisional Balance Sheet

This DBT informed tool will help you consider all aspects related to making changes


Avoidance Hierarchy

At the bottom identify things you avoid, but don't bother you as much.

The most anxious and stress inducing action or behavior will reside at the top. Assign a rating from 0-100% as to how anxious you would be in that situation. Overcome your anxiety by working your way to the top.


H.A.L.T. Tool

HALT is a useful tool for those struggling with communication, anger management, stress, or those recovering from addiction.

Automatic Negative Thoughts


Read this resource and ask yourself the questions at the end.

Additional Links

Behavioral Activation — Download here