I have an immense passion for normalizing mental health and wellness, and reducing the stigma that is often associated. Additionally, I am a huge advocate of encouraging self-compassion and love throughout one's mental health and wellness journey. While participating on my own adventure of personal growth, I became inspired to research, write, and share information with all of you. Life can be hard- please know you are not alone!

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Unhealthy Self-Esteem Styles
Jody Simpson Jody Simpson

Unhealthy Self-Esteem Styles

There are three unhealthy self-esteem styles according to Terry Real (2018).

  1. Performance Based Self-Esteem: People with this style of self-esteem view their worth based on their accomplishments and would likely be viewed as a “workaholic” (Real, 2018).

  2. Attribute Based Self-Esteem: Those with this type of self-esteem believe their value exists in what they have-cars, muscles, trophy wife/husband. Another example are parents who view their worth on their child’s success, believing it is attributed to themselves (Real, 2018).

  3. Other Based Self-Esteem: With this type of self-esteem, an individual believes they have worth when others think they are worthy. This style is based on the approval of others, and extreme examples are love addiction and codependence (Real, 2018).

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